Mark Luna's profile


This post is to show the development process of my own personal ident with the use of Autodesk Maya and Adobe After Effects. This is a college project for our 'Motion Production' module. The entire production process for this project was nearly a full 2 months.
This project was inspired by two other idents which was part of the research I had done: the National Geographic's "Pop Science Ident" and Comedy Central's "Propeller Ident (Black)"
I had used my own personal logo to animate for this project; you can check out the development post for my personal logo by clicking on the following link: CLICK ME
The image below was my rough storyboard idea onto what I wanted to do for my ident. I develop the frame futher on within this post.
I then began to make a more refined storyboard. I also used the frames on my refined storyboard to make a rough animatic. On the rough animatic, I used the audio track, "Hell March" from the video game, Command & Conquer: Red Alert as a tool for timing. The final rendered 3D animation won't include the audio.
The images below are the refined storyboards made ready for use to an animatic.
Frames for animatic
rough animatic
The following stills are the rendered 3D images of the logo as it animates. The background is still undecided as it might have a red background rather than a black one. At the end of the development process, I decided to use a black background instead rather than a red one for reasons I will not mention :)
Rendered storyboard frames
I was recommended to add some texture to my ident as a bland white lambert shader was boring to look at. I decided to add a bit of texture using ... This gave my 3D model an Alfred Hitchcock-esque look. I also had to decrease the intensity of the lights.


This is a post about my development of a personal ident.
