Carmen &Cristi's profile

Amnesty International

Convince more people, regular citizens and voters, to involve actively in world’s political and human rights situation.
They may not listen to any John Doe, but politicians would listen to Martin Luther King. That's why, we gave regular people the power of iconic human-rights fighters. This time, governments will listen to the human-rights supporters, as they litterally speak with the voices of great pacifists like Muhatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King or John Lennon. 

We create a mobile app you can download form Amnesty International site. You record your message for freedom and the app reads it in your chosen iconic voice for the whole world to hear it. From now on, your message, read by a powerful voice, is free to travel until it reaches the decision makers breaking the silence on the streets of Ukraine, fighting for the political prisoners in China and reacting quickly to many human rights or freedom infringement.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International

amnesty international


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