Alok Tewari's profile

Limited editions

Chotu tv

This little vintage telly radio has been reformed into a fluorescent orange fellow equipped with bright green and hot pink knobs and dials against its original grey base color...unfortunately all the screen displays now are the color stripey that we were all so fond of everytime a crow sat on the antenna... waay before cable  

This piece is primarily a showpiece and not a source of powerful light. Can be used as a tabletop as well as a dangler. 

Quantity and delivery– Singe unit, Ready for delivery. Inbox us for price.
This piece is the resurrection of an old retired BLACK AND DECKER steam iron that’s been pumped back into life with ample oomph… colored in a combination of a hot neon pink body and fluorescent green dials with a cute complimenting white swirly pattern at the base that emits a humble white glow … this unit is primarily a showpiece and NOT a source of light per say. It can be propped up or suspended as you think suitable to match your space  

Quantity and delivery– limited stock, Ready for delivery. Inbox us for price.
The Hippie-happy-star-guitar
More music to your eyes.... 
This piece is a revamped classic acoustic guitar, in a cozy matt black body base color with the original woody color of the neck and brass-work on the frets/machinehead buttons intact. it sports neon colored strings and funky pop out neon flowers that make it a sure-shot attention grabber even when its off during the day. This 4 foot tall wall hanger emits an option of 16 colors and various mood patterns that strum between the various colors/brightness that are controlled by a wireless remote to tune up to suit your mood/decor. 
...Again ... this piece is not capable of playing music 

Quantity and delivery– Single Unit, Ready for delivery. Inbox us for price/more details.
this Limited edition clear-glass pinky vodka bottle comes filled to the brim with flaming pink lights, equipped with a mood changer to suit your mood between 7 light pattern variations from constant glow to slow breathing to outright foot tapping frenzy flashy ! 

Quantity and delivery– limited stock, Ready for delivery. Inbox us for price.
This piece is the resurrection of an old retired 1937 Remington portable typewriter… this whopping 12 kg blast from the past is available in a fluorescent green with a swirly white back base and purple ink ribbon bands with white under-keyboard lighting. This unit is primarily a showpiece. Irrespective of whichever corner you place it... it WILL grab attention  

Quantity and delivery– Singe unit, Ready for delivery. Inbox us for price.
Limited edition # 4
the table turner ! 
yet another blast from the past this is the reconstruction of a 1972 HMV record player; 
table top as well as wall mountable; grey body with dribbles of funky neon dials/ knobs and equipped with a translucent funky green base panel are brought to life with a white underglow. what previously used to spin records will now be spinning heads 

*Note - this piece does NOT play music ! 

Quantity and delivery– Singe unit, Ready for delivery. Inbox us for price.
Limited editions

Limited editions

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