-Two months ago I went on a vacation, I didn't have camera so I borowed one from my friend. On the 3rd or 4rth night I was fairly drunk and accidentally I droped the camera and the lens fell out. I tried to put it back that night, but it turned out I did more damage than good. The pins that hold the lens were broken, I could still use the camera, but images were blury. I put the camera in the drawer and I didn't use it for couple of days. I felt really bad for breaking my friends camera.
-Two or three days before coming home, I was once again trying to fix the camera, when totally by accident I discovered that I can make AMAZING macro shots without the lens. As I'm huge photography fan I was blown away by the following photos...
This is fungi gills.
At first friend that I borrowed a camera from was disappointed, but now when I showed him these. He won't let me fix the camera :)
This kind of camera cost around the 30$. In comparing with the much much more expensive lenses these results are not bad at all.
30$ extreme macro

30$ extreme macro

Series of macro shots.


Creative Fields