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Renault Symbioz


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Akatre Studio were chosen by Renault to bring their strong aesthetic sense to the campaign launching the new Symbioz model. Recom Paris continued their creative collaboration with the French marque, bringing end-to-end creative expertise in post production.In-depth advance planning – ranging from 3D mockups and material choices to location –  supercharged the team’s efficiency: Akatre and Recom Paris made sure the shoot cruised along as smoothly as a finely tuned machine. Julien and Sebastian of Akatre studio were calm but always on point with laser sharp focus on every detail. 

The team refined a palette based around the vibrant Mercury Blue colour, with turquoise undertones, which also harmonised perfectly with the Silver model.Creative Director Pepe Alram of Recom Farmhouse Paris was on set to start the grading and create initial pre-comps files. 

Akatre Studio work with an ultra high-tech lighting rig enabling total synchronisation of the super-fast and precise adjustments needed. Each shot was created in multiple lighting configurations so that there was total freedom in adjusting reflections from the futuristic backdrop.In post production, Recom Farmhouse London and Recom Paris worked together seamlessly to make background adjustments in CGI and grade every shot to perfection.

This project shows what can be achieved when creative powerhouses come together in pursuit of a shared vision. The result is a campaign that truly does justice to the latest star in Renault’s lineup - a triumph of collaborative excellence. The stage is set for the Symbioz to shine
Client: Renault

Photographer: Akatre Studio

Agency: Publicis Conseil Paris
Creative Director: Gurvan Prioul
Art Director: Pierre Dumont

Post Production: Recom Paris and Recom Farmhouse London
Lead CGI Artist : Franck Julia at Recom Paris
CGI Artists: Franck Julia at Recom Paris, Marvin Lübke at RECOM FARMHOUSELead Post Artist: Pepê Alram at Recom Paris
Post Artists: Pepê Alram, Leonardo Azeredo, Aljaz Bezjak, João Cavalcante, George Rutherford, Rinus van de Ven at Recom Paris
Renault Symbioz