Bill Pitcher's profile


I had been invited to attend a photoshoot in Bath Centre for a magazine article to be published in a monthly publication. As I turned up to my horror it was a street shoot with two very attractive ladies with no wardrobe, we had to purchase that from three charity shops in the town centre.
The resulting shoot was a series of standard shoots, and I got a major brain wave when I passed the M&S Store, a young musician was playing his instrument from a little trolly as for some reason I could not see if he had any legs. This gave me the idea to shoot from Ground Level, not up skirting and keeping the lens level with the ground, but to see the wardrobe from a different perspective.  Getting down was simple but getting back up again. That was a slightly more complex problem, it was the time before I had my Hip and other remedial procedures.
Personally I like the second image for that low angle shoot.




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