Faded Memories
Fine Art 
University of Westminster (London, England) - Exchange Year
The work encapsulates my experience of London exchange and travels around the UK and Europe. With the thought of each moment becoming distant faded memories, the piece becomes almost a visual journal or time keeper. Through use of colour and small sketches my experiences are portrayed in these abstracted pieces. With almost childlike sketching, painting, and use of crayons the piece comments on the already faded childhood memories and how in the future these current experiences will be faded just the same. Other materials, including ink, watercolour, emultion, pastels, and markers were used to pull this mixed-media piece together. New connections to friends are a major part of the piece. Often various sketches of inside jokes between the new connections are shown in the works. To further this aspect of the piece and add a personal touch, these individuals were invited to add to the work, as a personal reflective and reminiscent part of the piece. This gesture is similar to that of the signing of footy jerseys after a season, or of school uniforms at graduation. The Main Piece works as an 'overall' view of the newly 'fading memories' and collages my experiences of exchange thus far. The eight smaller works hone into specific memories that were signficant in my experience.
Faded Memories

Faded Memories


Creative Fields