Marina Skr's profile

Life-balance game

I’ve been working at a game startup prototyping the MVP.  We tried two hypotheses.

The first idea was to pump the avatar with check-ins in locations related to different categories (sport, party, study).
When checking-in in one of the location categories, you get an attire item and pump the corresponding characteristic of your avatar. The goal of the game is to maintain balance between these sides.
Here are the 1st main screen and item card, that was supposed to be converted to NFT.
The further development of the design idea got a wardrobe for the items and an updated main screen with a tab bar for navigation.
The second iteration was built on a map interaction and team battle.

At the registration, you choose one of the three teams you’d like to represent, and all the check-ins are accrued to the global team balance.
The teams compete on a number of total check-ins, and a number of place check-ins.
Here are one of the screens of the registration flow and profile.
Also, here are some of the pop-ups from the check-in battle.
Life-balance game


Life-balance game
