For my dissertation project at university, I developed two jewelry ring concepts and produced them. This was done with the aim of exploring the benefits that CAM, CAD, CAE could bring to the jewellery industry. The benefits considered were: 
          Dimensional precision; 
          The ability to produce relatively thin geometries.
The processes considered were: 
          Additive manufacturing; 
          Three-dimensional modelling; 
          Finite element analyses.

Two ring concepts were then developed, in which stone setting and the use of enamel were explored. Here I'll be showing a snippet of my work. Eventually a link to the full dissertation will be posted as well.
Images used as inspiration
Development work based on the juxtaposition of branches
Preliminary drawings and 3D models
Conceptual renderings
Numerical analysis
3D printing of support structures
3D printing of rings
Rings before superficial finishing with defects identified
Final rings



Creative Fields