Wooden Toy Car
Inspiration Board 
Technical Board
The sketching process 
In this process i sketched and doodled on different size pages creating ideas that came to mind. This was a creative process that help me identify what kind of car model i wanted to use in the end.
The Development process
Creating the car was very challenging , mostly because my car kept breaking in half due to the poor choice of wood. Firstly I glued together a couple of wood slabs , then i traced out the shape of the car i wanted and cut it out using a machine. A lot of sanding went into creating the car because i needed the edges to be smooth so that a child using the car would not get harmed. 

I created the wheels and added them onto a wooden dowl. This was the easiest part of the process because all i needed to do was cut out the circles and drill holes in the middle. 
The final model
Wooden Toy Car

Wooden Toy Car
