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Amanita Muscaria Bottle Sticker Logotype Design
For this project, I created a logotype for a bottle sticker featuring Amanita Muscaria, the iconic red-and-white mushroom known for its striking appearance. This design was intended to capture the mystical and captivating qualities of this unique mushroom while maintaining a visually appealing and marketable aesthetic.
Design Concept
The central concept behind the logotype was to blend natural elements with an artistic touch that reflects the enchanting nature of Amanita Muscaria. The design emphasizes a bold and vibrant color palette, focusing on the distinctive red cap with white spots. The goal was to create a sticker design that is both eye-catching and memorable, suitable for a product that embraces the allure and mystique of the forest.
Visual Elements

Main Icon: A stylized representation of Amanita Muscaria serves as the focal point of the logotype. The mushroom's cap is depicted with a gradient of rich reds and bright whites, ensuring high visibility and strong contrast.
Typography: The text element complements the mushroom icon with a custom font that combines elegance with a hint of whimsy. The letters are slightly curved to echo the organic forms of the mushroom.
Supporting Graphics: Delicate forest elements, like ferns and leaves, are subtly integrated into the background, adding depth and reinforcing the natural theme. These elements are muted to ensure the mushroom icon remains the primary focus.
Color Scheme: The color palette is inspired by the traditional Amanita Muscaria colors—reds, whites, and greens. The combination creates a harmonious yet striking visual impact.
Application and Flexibility
The logotype design was created with flexibility in mind, allowing it to be adapted for various bottle sizes and shapes. It works seamlessly as a standalone sticker or as part of a more extensive product label design. The simple yet effective layout ensures that the logotype remains legible and recognizable, even from a distance.
Final Thoughts
This project aimed to create a logotype that embodies the enchantment and vibrant character of Amanita Muscaria. The design strikes a balance between natural beauty and artistic creativity, making it an ideal choice for a bottle sticker that stands out on the shelf while evoking a sense of wonder and curiosity.


