Hi,there ! Thanks for browsing my works, hope you enjoy it ☺️ 
Size:18*17*H24 cm
Epoxy resin, Oil hand colored 
再一下下 風吹拂很暖
再一下下 小鳥在說話
再一下下 花香很舒暢
再一下下 空氣很清新
再一下下 孩子們歡快笑語
再一下下 我就要追上 雲朵和陽光
A little while , the warm breeze gently caresses
A little while , the birds chatter merrily
A little while, the fragrance of flowers is so soothing
A little while , the air feels refreshingly pure
A little while , children‘s joyful laughter fills the air
A little while , I am about to catch up with the clouds and sunlight
- - -A little while 
A little while


A little while
