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Trademark Classification in India

In this video, we will discuss What is Classification of Trademark? Trademark Classification is the first and the most crucial step of the Trademark Registration process. So, it’s important that you get to know every little detail about it! In this video, we have tried to explain the concept, need, and process of classifying a Trademark in India, so that you can begin the process of Trademark Application on the right foot! Watch the full video for complete information! What is Trademark Classification? - Trademark classification is basically the process of determining which products or services a particular trademark applies to. When a trademark is registered, it is only protected for the specific class of products or services it is intended to be used for, and after registration, it cannot be used for anything else. What is the system of Trademark Classification in India? - There are various classification systems used across the world to classify trademarks. In India, we use the Nice Classification System. It was introduced under the Nice Agreement signed by a Group of Countries in the year 1957. Its latest 11th edition has been effective since January 1, 2017. The Nice System covers a wide range of goods and services and classifies them into 45 classes. Classes 1 to 34 are meant for goods and Classes 35 to 45 are meant for services.

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Trademark Classification in India

Trademark Classification in India


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