Kali Sta's profile

Annabelle Candry

While biohacking is a male-dominated field, Annabelle wanted to set herself apart as a woman in the space, bringing a softer and more accessible approach to the practice with an additional focus on Ayurveda and herbal medicine. Biohacking is often seen as a very serious and inaccessible practice but Annabelle helps teach people that it can be fun and something that anyone - regardless of their circumstances or financial situation - can implement. 

The logo typeface is a trustworthy and stable serif font to bring in those feminine roots  with subtle pixelated elements to play on the term "hacking" and add a memorable twist to the aesthetic. The pixel illustrations of medicinal herbs express the Ayurvedic element of her practice and create a playful vibe that can appeal to both men and women. The green colour palette is reminiscent of both the ideas of nature and the old DOS interface of green on black to support the "hacking" wordplay.

Annabelle Candry


Annabelle Candry
