Do The Thing

A veces, como personas creativas, nos preguntamos si aún podemos hacer cosas nuevas. Hemos perdido la chispa para crear piezas interesantes?

Este es un proyecto personal donde el fin último era crear algo, lo que fuera y salir un poco de la zona de confort: la idea era producir algo que conllevara viejas y nuevas técnicas y habilidades. De un lettering a un cartel, de un cartel a unos cuantos mockups y de los mockups a una animación en Blender.

Este afiche no es más que un amable recordatorio de que a veces solo tenemos que hacer aquello que debemos hacer, sin miedo. Sigamos haciendo cosas!

PD: El texto que se puede leer a la bajada del afiche (también al final de esta descripción), es la transcripción de una entrevista a MF DOOM, la cual sirvió de inspiración para armar este proyecto.

Sometimes, as creative people, we wonder if we can still do new things. Have we lost the spark to create interesting pieces?

This is a personal project where the ultimate goal was to create something, anything and get out of the comfort zone a little: the idea was to produce something that involved old and new techniques and skills. From lettering to a poster, from a poster to a few mockups and from the mockups to an animation in Blender.

This poster is nothing more than a gentle reminder that sometimes we just have to do what we have to do, without fear. Let's keep doing things!

PS: The text that can be read at the bottom of the poster (also at the end of this description) is the transcription of an interview with MF DOOM, which served as inspiration to put together this project.


“Follow your heart it’s number one rule. A lot of people might not see your vision yet, you know what I mean? People might call you crazy or think it won’t make sense. Follow your heart and just follow it all the way through and that’s when you’ll see you making new ground and people will appreciate it later on. Never try to do something to impress the next man or the next woman, it’s really about what you see and you know what you have inside. Everybody’s unique individual here, so you have something to contribute, so whatever it is follow that and bring it out and share at the table with all of us.” 
- MF DOOM,  Number one rule.


Hecho con amor en / Did it with love for @amor.estgr

Do The Thing


Do The Thing

Lettering, poster, mockups and 3D animation for a personal project.
