Activity 1-What makes a good game

-Continuous Challenge  -Combining Fun and Realisme
-Interesting Storyline    -Consistensy in Rules
-Flexibility                      - Fairness
Activity 2-Skitch
Activity 3-My favorite game
Destiny best game ever!
Consoles- xbox 360, xbox one, ps3, ps4
Chase Wiwsoniski
 Grade 9 App, Game and Web Development
Mr. Alibudbud
Activity 4-Logos
Rough Drafts-
For this activity I decided that I wanted to go for a more organic shaped logo. I tried to round every edge, without taking away from the logo.
Rich Unit Activity-Flappy Bird Remake
 Q1: On which activities throughout the unit did you do your best work?  Describe your final outcome. Do you feel that it was successful? Why?
A1: I think that the best work that I’ve done in unit on is definitely my logos, I chose my logos because, I really liked how they turned out and I all around enjoyed the activity, I feel that it was succesful because I like how they look and it was all completed. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q2: Did you enjoy a certain assignment, lesson, or topic more than the others?  Is there  anything you might have done differently?
A2: I really enjoyed the skitch activity because, I like how skitch feels when you use it and it all felt very fluid it was also very easy to use. If I were to change anything it would be to have been able to work a little harder on my (Rich Unit Activity) game.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q3: Can you connect any of the things you learned in this unit to the real world?
A3: I definetly learned alot through out this unit, in regards to it be related to anything in real life? I dont think so there is one thing though and that is I really need to improve my work ethic.
Q4: Do you feel like you were successful throughout the unit?
A4: I felt as if through out the unit that everything that I was doing was succesful and I was doing everything right, although there were times were I contimplated weather the quality was at its highest. All in all I felt that unit 1 was a success.
Q5: What are your aims/goals for unit 2-4?
A5: My aims/goals for unit 2-4 are as following, first improve my work ethic, to have better time managment and to make sure I'm happy with everything I complete.
Q6: Is there any media / theme which you are very keen on pursuing (in future units/activities)?
A6: I definetly enjoyed creating a game from scratch and made me reconcile pursuing a future in this subject.
Q7: Is there any particular aspect of your work that you would like to improve upon?
Q7: Yes, I feel as though I should oblige myself to have a better work ethic and to further my knowledge of coding a game. 
unit 1

unit 1

activity 2
