Kat Goss's profile

Western Historical Romance

He looked sheepish then. As if she had said or done something to embarrass him and it made him seem sweeter than usual. Eva couldn’t shake that there was something on his mind.

They started walking back toward the where the theater was set up.

“You know, things started a little rocky between us,” Benjamin said.

Eva’s eyes dropped. “I know, I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I suppose things could have been done a little differently.”

Benjamin put out his arm and stopped her a moment. There was no sign of disappointment in his eyes, and he didn’t seem angry.

“I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I’m glad it happened,” Benjamin said kindly. “Having you and Zoey in my life has been good for me. It’s been good for all of us, actually. I know that Anne and Irving love having the two of you around, and I see the effect it has on them.”

He was talking fast and a lot, as if he was worried about how she might respond to compliments. Eva’s face was slowly breaking into a bright smile.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t so receptive when we went into this,” Benjamin continued. “But I am glad that we did. And I will do what I can to make sure that we have the best life, and that Zoey has the best upbringing possible.”
Eva felt everything within her warm up. She was gushing with pride that someone was happy to have her and Zoey in their life.

He seemed a little embarrassed to have admitted how he felt about having them in the home. Everything was falling into place, and she knew then that he felt the same way about her as she did about him.

There was only a short while left before the second act would begin, and her chance was running out.
Eva didn’t want to miss the opportunity. She stepped forward and pressed her lips to his. Benjamin’s arms wrapped around her as he pulled her in closely.

Beneath the stars, and in the comfort of each other’s arms, they felt like husband and wife as they kissed each other gently. When they parted again, Benjamin looked into her eyes as he held her just a moment longer.
“Beautiful,” Benjamin said quietly before leaning down and kissing her again.

Eva had never felt so safe in her life. She melted into his kiss, knowing that it would be one of many. Something fluttered in her heart, making her knees feel weak.

Just then the signal was given that the second act would begin. They headed back to their seats, Eva’s mind brimming with thoughts. Their relationship had taken a positive change and she was eager to see where it would go.
There was only one more horse for her to meet. Eva had concentrated hard to remember the names of all the horses that she had already been introduced to.

“This one is Mika,” Benjamin said. “That means raccoon.”

“Why did you name her Raccoon?” Eva asked with a laugh.

Benjamin gave the horse a strong pat on the neck. “Because she will sneak in anywhere and take what isn’t hers if she’s given the chance,” he explained with a laugh.

“Aha,” Eva said. “She had quite the personality then.”

She reached forward and let the horse sniff at her before she touched her. Mika didn’t give Eva the chance to lean forward. She pushed her snout into Eva’s hand, forcing her attention.

“She likes you,” Benjamin said. “More than the others.”

Eva tried not to blush. While it didn’t mean much, it was nice to know that somewhere on that farm, she fitted in. She spent a moment with the horse, laughing and petting it.

“I guess we know which one it yours,” Benjamin said.

“Mika?” Eva asked. “Mine?”

“Of course,” Benjamin said. “Everybody here needs a horse that they work with, that they can rely on. Mika here had been without a person for too long. She’s yours if you’ll have her.”

Eva’s heart felt as though it would skip a beat. She and Mika would have many days together, and travel far. She looked forward to every moment of it. It felt as if she was finally a permanent part of his life.

Her spirit was lifted that day. They laughed a lot and spoke to each other with nothing but kindness. The fear that she had felt about speaking with him before was gone. He wasn’t like the men she had known before.
Western Historical Romance

Western Historical Romance


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