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Kitob muqovasi dizayni | Book cover design

Hamid Olimjon'nig "Ikki eshik orasi" nomli romani uchun muqova dizayni. Ushbu romanda ikkinchi Jahon urushi daxshatlari va front ortidagi hayot tarzi haqida so'z boradi. Shuning uchun muqova dizaynida romanning mazmunini qisqacha ifodalashga harakat qilingan

Toshkent, O'zbekiston | Mart, 2024

Cover design for Hamid Olimjon's novel "Ikki eshik orasi". This novel tells about the horrors of the World War II and the way of life behind the front. Therefore, an attempt was made to briefly express the content of the novel in the cover design

Tashkent, Uzbekistan | March, 2024
Kitob muqovasi dizayni | Book cover design


Kitob muqovasi dizayni | Book cover design
