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Revamping Hotel LinSet's Website Landing Page

Case Study: Revamping Hotel LinSet's Website Landing Page

Hotel LinSet, a boutique hotel nestled in the heart of Pyin Oo Lwin city, approached us to redesign their website landing page to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates. As a UI designer, I spearheaded this project with the aim of creating a visually captivating and user-friendly interface that reflects the hotel's brand identity and entices potential guests to explore further.

Client Brief:

Hotel LinSet desired a modern and elegant website landing page that not only showcases their amenities and services but also provides a seamless booking experience. They emphasized the importance of a mobile-responsive design and expressed their desire to incorporate high-quality visuals to evoke a sense of luxury and comfort.

Research and Analysis:

To begin the project, we conducted extensive research on the hospitality industry and analyzed the existing website to identify pain points and areas for improvement. We also studied competitor websites to gain insights into current design trends and user preferences. Through surveys and interviews, we gathered feedback from Hotel LinSet's target audience to understand their expectations and preferences when booking accommodation online.

Design Process:

Armed with valuable insights from our research phase, we commenced the design process by sketching wireframes to outline the layout and structure of the landing page. We focused on creating a clean and intuitive design that guides users seamlessly from browsing to booking. With a mobile-first approach, we ensured that the design maintains functionality and aesthetics across various devices and screen sizes.

Key Features and Design Elements:

Stunning Visuals: We incorporated high-resolution images of the hotel's interiors, rooms, and amenities to visually engage users and evoke a desire to experience Hotel LinSet firsthand.
Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Strategically placed CTAs prompt users to take action, whether it's booking a room, exploring special offers, or contacting the hotel directly.
User-Friendly Navigation: Intuitive navigation menus and interactive elements make it easy for users to find the information they need and navigate the website effortlessly.
Social Proof: Testimonials and reviews from satisfied guests add credibility and encourage trust in Hotel LinSet's services.
Responsive Design: The design seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent user experience for desktop, tablet, and mobile users.
Result and Impact:

The redesigned landing page for Hotel LinSet received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both the client and their customers. The intuitive design and improved usability led to a significant increase in website traffic and higher conversion rates. Hotel LinSet experienced a boost in direct bookings, reflecting the success of the revamped landing page in driving user engagement and encouraging action.


The redesign of Hotel LinSet's website landing page was a collaborative effort fueled by research, creativity, and a deep understanding of the client's goals and target audience. By focusing on user experience and visual appeal, we successfully created a digital gateway that not only reflects the essence of Hotel LinSet but also facilitates seamless interactions with potential guests. This project exemplifies our commitment to delivering impactful UI design solutions that elevate brands and delight users.

Let's Connect:

If you're interested in collaborating on similar projects or have any questions about our design process, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or visit my Behance portfolio for more insights into my work. I look forward to connecting with fellow professionals and sharing ideas in the exciting world of UI design.

Explore Hotel LinSet: Click here to discover the elegance and charm of Hotel LinSet on their official website.

Revamping Hotel LinSet's Website Landing Page


Revamping Hotel LinSet's Website Landing Page
