For this project, students were supposed to create a band poster of their choice. This was to help advertise the next "concert" that they were going to have which should bring people together and WANT to go to them. We would create this poster in adobe illustrator showing off our skills on how to advertise. We also had to use different colors and make sure to incorporate the band name, logo (if needed), time and place that the concert was going to be, etc. 
In the photos above, the student sketches out the next ideas to help create the final piece of the poster. 
The image above showcases the final product of the poster for the upcoming "Avenged Sevenfold" concert. 
Client: Student Project
Role: Production Artist
Size: 10 x 16 in
Software: Adobe Illustrator
Date: April 9, 2024
Gig Poster

Gig Poster
