This project is supposed to help the student learn about how to use some tools in the software Adobe Illustrator such as the pen tool, gradients, colors, and etc, just learning how to use the basics to help understand more about the software. Students were supposed to create an object, fruit, food, sports balls, anything that they wanted to create. They were required to create a background to add more interest into the photo, but it wasn't mandatory. This student went out of the box and created Spongebob characters and included the background which gave it more meaning. 
In the image above, it shows the sketches that the student has created to get an idea for the project. 
Above shows the final results by using the pen tool in illustrator and using different colors to make the project really pop out. 
Client: Student Project
Role: Production Artist
Size: 5 x 5 in
Software: Adobe Illustrator 2024
Date: March 6, 2024

