Francesco Totaro's profileGiada Saliani's profile


The project was born with a reflection about the design concepts of community spaces, cultural assets and environmental protection in Venice. We chose to analyze as a territory the “Venetian campo (venetian square)” the core of a system of relationships and social and economic dynamics that characterize the city. The chosen square was called „Campo dei Carmini“. The result of the analysis is interesting, especially being a transit point where the pedestrian does not stop for more than a few minutes. It was necessary to give everyone the opportunity to see the surrounding environment and recognize the history and hidden details during the daily transition. In order to achieve that goal we chose to make the central theme the Venetian view painting. The project works on three levels of information: the dioramas, photo cards and view images. The map is the fourth device that connects them all and allows it to be utilized.


Information design Lab, Emanuela Bonini Lessing & Gianluigi Pescolderung with Giada Saliani and Giorgio Dall’Osso. University IUAV of Venezia Jan Read More
