In my recent project, I worked on the responsive design of "Mujer Empresaria" homepage. In this project I aimed to create an optimal and accessible user experience, regardless of the device or screen resolution used.

Improve Accessibility: ensure that the home page is easy to navigate and accessible to all users, including those using mobile devices and tablets.

Optimize the User Experience: create an intuitive and attractive design that reflects the "Mujer Empresaria" mission of supporting and empowering women in the business field.
Ensure Consistency: maintain a consistent and professional appearance across all devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones.
Design process
I conducted a detailed analysis of the target audience to better understand their needs and preferences.
I studied current trends in web design and reviewed examples of similar pages to inspire innovative ideas.
Wireframing and Prototyping:
I created low-fidelity wireframes to plan the basic structure and flow of the home page.
Developed interactive prototypes to visualize the user experience and make adjustments before final implementation.
Visual design:
I selected a color palette and typography that represented the “Woman in Business” brand. Designed attractive and consistent visual elements, including buttons, icons and graphics.
Optimization and Release:
Optimized page loading speed to improve overall performance and user satisfaction.
Coordinated with the development team to integrate the final design and launch the new home page.
The redesign of the “Mujer Empresaria” landing page resulted in a significant improvement in accessibility and user experience. The page is now more intuitive and attractive, making it easier for users to find the information and resources they need for their professional development. Additionally, responsive design has allowed more visitors to access and navigate the site efficiently, regardless of the device they use.
This project not only strengthened my ability to create user-centered designs, but also allowed me to contribute to an important cause, supporting the empowerment of women in the business world.
Mujer empresaria

Mujer empresaria
