Biocity Healthcare's profile

Full Body Health Checkup

Full Body Health Checkup
Get a complete full body health checkup with Biocity Healthcare, covering everything you need to monitor your health from top to bottom. Our package includes various tests for the full body, ensuring you stay on track. From collecting blood samples to providing the final report, we’ve got you covered.
Test Preparation
- Fast 8-12 hours (water only)
- Avoid iron supplements 24 hours before
- Stop biotin supplements 2 days before (if applicable)
- Continue thyroid meds as usual (unless doctor advises otherwise)
- Morning urine sample: midstream, clean catch, first void (avoid period)
- Bring all collected samples to your appointment
- Relax & skip smoking/heavy caffeine/alcohol (day before)
Test Criteria
Eligibility: General population.
Reasons to Take: Comprehensive health assessment.
Benefits: Early detection, prevention, overall health monitoring.
Full Body Health Checkup

Full Body Health Checkup


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