Category: Branding       Year: 2024

OODA is a self-defense brand that specializes in pepper sprays designed to protect individuals from street crimes.

Despite the availability of various self-defense tools, using them in actual crime situations is challenging as people tend to panic or freeze, disabling their ability to respond effectively. Recognizing the importance of preparedness, OODA integrates the OODA loop principles - a decision making cycle developed by military strategist John Boyd in the 1950s for air combats - to provide users with a practical response strategy. Alongside its pepper sprays, OODA ensures users are prepared to navigate threatening situations safely.

Core Value

OODA believes that self-defense tools are only effective when users are prepared and confident to use them. Its brand essence is to guide users through the entire street experience, from preparing them with a strategy to equipping them with an accessible defense tool. 
From this brand essence, I derived accessible, reliable, and empowering as the core values.

Brand logo

The brand logo’s, being the acronym itself, is designed to embody the values of OODA. The “O” of the logo is crafted as a perfect circle, as circle is associated with security, continuity, and protection - aligning with the brand’s commitment to safety. The letter ‘O’ has an aspect ratio of 1:1.

Brand Color

Blue serves as the core color of the brand palette to evoke trust and stability, reflecting OODA’s commitment to self-defense solutions. Drawn from the color of the pepper, the red injects a sense of urgency and action.

Brand Typography

To express its brand value of accessibility, OODA prioritizes readability and ease of comprehension for typography. It therefore uses two highly-legible modern sans serif typefaces: “Suisse International” and “Made Tommy.”

Brand Symbol

OODA’s 4 symbols are the key visual asset of the brand that each visualizes Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. These 4 intuitive and memorable symbols were developed with the aim that people will easily digest and employ the OODA strategy in times of emergency situations.

Brand Application

The brand elements that make up the brand identity of OODA include the logo, symbols, color palette, typeface, taglines, and the product. Together, these brand elements communicate a reliable image of OODA, empowering people to navigate the streets safely. They are consistently applied to online and offline touchpoints to ensure a cohesive brand experience for the users.


