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Information Architecture for an Online Book Store

Book store clutter of categories solution
Picture a digital space where users easily find what they're looking for or come across interesting items. In this prototype, my focus is on user empowerment, aiming to strike a balance between those seeking inspiration and those with a specific goal. Think of a main menu that expands when you hover over categories, revealing a curated mix of bestsellers, new releases, and enticing deals for a user-friendly and functional experience.
User 1 - The seeker knows what he’s looking for and has a clear taste and knowledge in genres and authors.

User 2 - The wonderer wants to be inspired and needs a navigation which doesn’t force him to know ahead what he wants to read already.
Challenge: Aim to Reduce cognitive load while also inspiring users
Instead of opening with many book covers and overloading users with titles, I opted for a slideshow called “Book club” that could be easily be “editor’s choice”. It gives for each category one book highlight. Useful for “the wonderer” proto persona but also to showcase visually what type of titles are in this category.
4 Main Categories: Fiction / non-fiction / young readers / Authors

“Fiction” vs “non-fiction”
the idea was to have few initial categories. by looking at competitors and research it emerges that people usually have already a preference between these 2 and is a great start to dividing the content in clear categories.

“Young readers” is comprehensive of KIDS and teen Audience to save on the number of categories and merge them into one.

“Authors” a valid alternative to browse. It is also an industry standard and therefore can be established as main category.
3 Overall categories

Bestsellers, New Release, Deals
These categories are for guiding and inspire “the wonderer” proto persona and for Bookzilla to align with business goals.

Design choice: was to distinct these categories by the use of universal icons.
Information Architecture for an Online Book Store


Information Architecture for an Online Book Store



Creative Fields