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Ronk Torp - The Tide

Yet another album cover to promote Ronk Torp's growing music portfolio, but this time utilising a completely different skillset. Rather than creating vector graphics, I used photography as my main medium for this project, with the composition consisting of two photos blended together to create the illusion of a single image. 

The image I used for the background is one taken by Ronk Torp himself, depicting a human figure walking away from the camera during a foggy sunrise.
Using Photoshop, I subsequently cropped the image and brightened this up with a warming photo filter.
For the overlaying image below, I used a photograph of a harbour which by happy accident had the lens partially covered by my fingers. Whilst not an image one would not normally want to share, I noticed that where my finger covered up the bottom left hand corner matched with the sloping perspective of the path in the above image. Note that I only used a small part of the image bounded by the yellow box.
Notice how the two photos blend together in this prototype image. To achieve this effect, I toned down the opacity in the harbour image to 50%.
After finalising the image composition, I looked into different possible placements for the text.
I experimented with different compositions, making use of white text where the image is darker. In the end however, me and my client agreed that it would be better to use a single colour for all of the text, so we finalised with the fourth composition.
Ronk Torp - The Tide

Ronk Torp - The Tide
