Introducing Peonies, a brand of aromatic candles that transcends the simple function of illuminating spaces, rising to the level of sensory works of art. With a modern and sensual design concept, our candles capture the essence of seduction and beauty, combining intense colors with the delicacy of flowers. The design of Peonies candles is a visual manifestation of contemporary luxury. With a palette of darker colors contrasting with the softness of petals, each candle becomes a standout piece in any environment. The deep tones, reminiscent of midnight, evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, while the embossed details add texture and depth, inviting the eyes to explore each contour with fascination. The packaging of Peonies candles is an extension of their interior design, reflecting the same care and attention to detail. The elegant jars, adorned with luxurious finishes, are true works of art in themselves, while the minimalist labels discreetly highlight the brand, allowing the beauty of the candles to shine through. Each package is a promise of an unparalleled sensory experience, an invitation to explore the secrets contained within.

Hand-drawn based on photographs of peonies, this pattern was developed to be used on tissue paper for wrapping and protecting the candles.
The Rapport technique was used in the printmaking.



