Pablo Rocha's profile

Trinken Store Inc

Trinken Products Inc
During my time at Trinken, I juggled various roles while spearheading the day-to-day operations of our e-commerce endeavors. In the following, I proudly present a glimpse into the creative contributions I made during my time with the company.
Product Photography
Image created to illustrate the listing's description / The main picture of the Suction Wine Cup's listing / Image crafted using Adobe Photoshop
Package designed for low volume and cost using mailer boxes and thermal print labels

These ads served as the primary catalyst for driving sales both on our online shop and Amazon platform. The chosen format was specifically tailored to accommodate the predominant usage of smartphones among our audience, aligning seamlessly with the majority of video content consumption patterns. Notably, these videos garnered substantial organic reach across various social media platforms, yielding impressive results even without paid promotion.
Social Media Posts
In contrast to the ads, these posts didn't emphasize product features. Instead, they delivered tongue-in-cheek humor, trends, and memes to evoke emotions and engage with the audience.

I crafted these newsletters to keep our customer base informed about product launches and seasonal discounts. Utilizing enticing titles to boost open rates, I paired them with concise and direct content to further enhance engagement.

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Trinken Store Inc


Trinken Store Inc
