Blue Gallegos's profile

everyone eats good

eats good
For this project I had to create a proposal and mobile app prototype for a Grocery, Meals, or Recipe App to be funded by a Fortune 500 grocery retailer. I utilized the Persona as a UX/UI Research Method to help guide my design decisions and brand style.

       Use "offline", in-person group discussion as a brainstorming method.

       Create a Persona as a UX/UI design strategy. 

       Use Figma to create a presentation (16:9 slide format).

       Use Figma for mobile app design, use basic prototyping when needed.

        Look at mobile app designs in a similar vertical or market space. Create a             
        competitor  analysis.

        Think and create. Think "offline." Create "online."
I found that during this project I had to utilize my knowledge of good photography to pick photos that would be appealing to a consumer. As well, I used my knowledge from 2D design to lay out my app in a pleasing way.
Since we used Figma in the last project I was able to use it more effectively this time. I didn't have to play around as much and could get right to the point. As well, I used my own life experience as someone who has to cook for themselves to gauge what people would like to see in a meal kit app.
everyone eats good

everyone eats good
