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Knits Wear Tech Pack - Boy's Suits (with cotton shorts)

First, I utilized computer-aided design (CAD) software to create detailed drawings for a t-shirt and shorts. Taking inspiration from the designated theme and color palette, I explored various techniques for embellishing these garments. These techniques included Direct to Film (DTF) printing, foil printing, flock printing, High Definition (HD) printing, as well as embroidery, each adding its own unique texture and visual appeal.

Next, I meticulously combined these techniques into a comprehensive tech pack. This involved compiling detailed information about each design method, including specifications such as color codes, dimensions, placement guidelines, and manufacturing instructions. Additionally, I ensured that the tech pack provided comprehensive guidance for production, enabling manufacturers to accurately recreate the envisioned designs.

By integrating the CAD drawings with the selected embellishment techniques and consolidating all relevant information into a single tech pack, I facilitated a streamlined and efficient process for bringing these garments to life. This comprehensive document serves as a valuable resource for both designers and manufacturers, ensuring that the final products align closely with the intended vision and meet the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Knits Wear Tech Pack - Boy's Suits (with cotton shorts)


Knits Wear Tech Pack - Boy's Suits (with cotton shorts)
