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Star Wars Planets

A lot of digital art is fan art. One of the major properties that has a sizeable following of artists who create fan art is Star Wars. So it stands to reason that a lot of Star Wars fan art was included in the training data for Stable Diffusion. I decided to see how well different models of Stable Diffusion could do at representing the scenery of various fictional planets from the Star Wars universe. I limited myself to the planets and moons that the main characters visit in the first six Star Wars films since they've been around long enough to be included in the data set.

I tried out the following models: DreamShaper v7, RevAnimated v1.2.2, SDXL v1.0, SDXL Turbo, Imagine v1 (by, Imagine v3, Imagine v4, and Imagine v5. I will share the results in that same order, left to right, top to bottom.



Cato Neimoidia










Mon Cala







Yavin IV

Final thoughts: Stable Diffusion did pretty well at producing images that represented some of the more well-known moons and planets: Alderaan and Naboo look temperate, Coruscant looks like a megacity, Dagobah looks like a swamp, Endor and Kashyyyk look like a deciduous forest, Geonosis and Tatooine look barren, Yavin IV looks like a jungle with ancient ruins, and Mustafar is volcanic. It even got the obscure Mon Cala (the homeworld of Admiral Ackbar) right.

Stable Diffusion did okay with the architecture of Bespin, but made it look ground-based instead of making it a floating city over a gas giant. It also did okay with Kamino. It didn't show the planet-covering ocean, but it did show Kaminoan architecture and it did make the association with the cloning operations that produced the Clone Troopers.

Stable Diffusion had no idea what to do with the planets that are only briefly featured in Star Wars: Utapau should have looked like a grassland with massive sinkholes in it; Cato Neimoidia (where Jedi Master Plo Koon died) should have looked like a foggy ocean studded with stone pillars and stone arches; Felucia (where Jedi Master Aayla Secura died) should have looked like a jungle of giant flowers; Mandalore (the home planet of the Mandalorians) should have looked like a barren planet with huge domed cities; Mygeeto (where Jedi Master Ki-Adi-Mundi died) should have looked like massive crystals covered with snow; Saleucami (where Jedi Master Stass Allie died) should have looked like a swamp or a desert with massive growths bulging out of the ground.

Finally, two of the models (DreamShaper and especially RevAnimated) had a tendency to add girls to the image. This probably has to do with the images they were further trained on and could have been avoided with a suitable negative prompt.

These illustrations were drawn using Stable Diffusion 1.5, Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion SDXL, and Stable Diffusion SDXL Turbo, with the models indicated above.
Star Wars Planets