Glorious Grids - Utilizing simple shapes (squares, triangles, circles) and curved shapes, the image of a Black-Footed Ferret are created in three different ratio units (7x9), (12x14), and (14x18).
Personal Insight
Once I knew I wanted to use a black-footed ferret as the main animal to be used, I searched for some good visual positions of the mammal in question. Sadly, there were very few images of a black-footed ferret available; thankfully, there were some great pictures of regular ferrets that could be used! So, I used the regular ferret image and gave the sketches the appearance of a black-footed ferret. At first, I tried to make the sketches match the shapes available to be used, but I gave up trying to simplify the position into simple shapes and drew them as I would any other drawing. I experimented a little with the leg and head placements, but tried to keep it simple so I wouldn't overwork myself.
Low-poly Grid
Personal Insight
This is the low-poly version of the black-footed ferret design I went with. It came out pretty well, and I tried to make the background not get lost with the furry little mammal's body shape. I'm a little disappointed with the head, and I wished I experimented with the form more, but I like how it came out overall.
Medium-poly Grid
Personal Insight
This is the medium-poly design of the black-footed ferret. The ferret's shape is a bit more wonky and the ears are missing, which I couldn't implement without making the design look bad. The background is a bit more detailed and there's hills visible behind the black-footed ferret. I wish I could've improved on the ferret's overall design, but I'm glad with how it came out.
High-poly Grid
Personal Insight
This is the high-poly design of the black-footed ferret. The ferret's shape is much better compared to the medium-poly, although it's still missing its ears. The legs are a bit uneven in the front, but it's not that noticeable. The background is far more detailed, with the hills remaining about the same; the ground has more of a pattern to it. Overall, I like how it turned out.
Glorious Grids


Glorious Grids
