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TaleWeaver - Generate illustrated storybooks

TaleWeaver: Personalised, educational storybooks for your kid.​​​​​​​
The Problem
Our application addresses several key problems that parents, especially working parents, often encounter when it comes to children’s literature and entertainment:

Time Constraints for Working Parents:
Problem: Many working parents lead busy lives with limited time to search for suitable books or engage in lengthy storytelling sessions.
Solution: TaleWeaver offers a convenient and time-efficient means for parents to provide personalised storytelling experiences, alleviating the time constraints by rapidly generating custom stories.

Repetitive and Hard-to-Find Books:
Problem: Parents often struggle with finding new and engaging books beyond the most common and repetitive ones available in the market.
Solution: TaleWeaver's AI-driven approach generates a wide variety of unique stories, ensuring that children have access to fresh and exciting content, reducing the frustration of finding new books.

Personalised Storytelling:
Problem: Every child is unique, and parents seek ways to provide a reading experience that resonates with their child's interests and imagination.
Solution: TaleWeaver allows parents to create storybooks featuring their child as the main character, tailoring the content to the child's interests, age, and preferences, thereby delivering a highly personalised and engaging reading experience.

A Better Alternative to Screen Time:
Problem: Parents are concerned about excessive screen time and passive video consumption among children.
Solution: TaleWeaver promotes a healthy alternative to mindless screen time by encouraging children to engage with books, fostering literacy and creativity, and allowing them to explore imaginative worlds through personalised stories and illustrations.

Learning Moral Values:
Problem: Parents want to instil moral values and life lessons in their children through their entertainment and reading materials.
Solution: TaleWeaver enables parents to customise stories to include moral lessons and values, ensuring that the time children spend with the app is not just entertaining but also enriching and educational.
Our Solution: TaleWeaver
Our application, TaleWeaver, serves as a transformative solution for time-strapped working parents by addressing multiple challenges in children's literature. It offers a convenient and time-efficient means for parents to provide personalised storytelling experiences through the use of Language Models (LLMs) for rapid story generation. This not only alleviates the frustration of repetitive and hard-to-find books but also fosters engagement through the child's inclusion as the main character. It stands out as a superior alternative to mindless screen time, encouraging children to explore imaginative worlds through personalised stories and illustrations while also enabling parents to instil moral values, ensuring that the time children spend with TaleWeaver is not just entertaining but also enriching.

Personalisation: Our app allows parents to create storybooks featuring their child as the main character, creating a unique and engaging reading experience that resonates with the child's interests and imagination.

Customisation: Parents can tailor the stories to meet specific goals, whether it's improving vocabulary, instilling values, or creating calming bedtime tales. This flexibility ensures the content aligns with their parenting objectives.

Content Safety: Our app guarantees a safe and wholesome reading experience by filtering out profanity and mature content, providing parents with peace of mind while their children enjoy the stories.

Engagement Over Screen Time: Emphasising a healthy alternative to mindless screen time, our app encourages children to engage with books, fostering literacy and creativity, rather than passive video consumption.

Efficiency: Our app uses LLMs to offer fast story generation, making it convenient for busy parents to access quality content on-demand, reducing the time spent searching for suitable books or videos.

Major User Stories
Parental Personalisation: As a parent, I want to customise a storybook for my child, featuring them as the main character, so that I can create engaging and memorable reading experiences.

Content Safety: As a parent, I want assurance that the generated content is free from profanity and mature themes, ensuring a safe reading environment for my child.

Time-Efficient Storytelling: As a busy parent, I want the option to quickly generate and have AI narrate a story, making it easier to incorporate storytelling into our daily routine.

Learning and Creativity: As a parent, I want my child to engage with stories that stimulate their imagination, encourage active learning, and reduce their reliance on passive screen time.

Moral Values Integration: As a parent, I want to include moral values and life lessons in the stories I create, enabling me to instil important values in my child through storytelling.
Product Design
TaleWeaver was chosen as the product name for several reasons:

Story Creation: The name "TaleWeaver" implies the act of weaving or crafting stories. It aligns perfectly with the core function of the app, which allows parents to create personalised story books featuring their child as the main character. This name immediately communicates the essence of story creation.

Child-Friendly: Unlike some alternatives that might contain words like "child," which didn't work well in our discussions, TaleWeaver is more universal and inclusive. It doesn't limit the app's appeal to a specific age group, allowing it to cater to both parents and children.

Alternatives Considered:
During the naming process, we considered various alternatives, including those with the word "child" but ultimately decided against them. Some ideas we had were Novelbook or Taledreamer, but these names did not convey the main idea of our app. We also considered names that were easy for young children to pronounce and remember, for example ‘FlipFlip’, which would mimic the sound of a page flipping. In our ideation, we imagined that it would be easy for young children to exclaim to their parents, “I want to flipflip!”, or something similar.
After an extensive mind-mapping session, we decided to combine two words that had few syllables, were relatively easier to say, and most importantly conveyed the main function of our app - to automatically weave tales for children.

The TaleWeaver logo was designed with 3 factors in mind - it had to be techy, recognisable, and appealing to children. To fulfil each aspect of our consideration, we experimented with recognisable shapes associated with stories and storybooks, eventually coming up with the above vector shape that has the following properties:
- Vibrant (Child-Friendly)
- Book icon as base shape (Recognisable)
- Minimalist (Techy)
- Rounded corners for a soft, approachable feeling (Child-Friendly)
- Possible to be interpreted as ‘T’ or ‘W’ in TaleWeaver (Recognisable)

We used a playful yet readable font for the app's name, "TaleWeaver." The serif font, almost  in a handwritten-style, similar to a marker or highlighter, reflects the storytelling aspect of the app while remaining clear and legible.

Color Palette
To target children, we searched the top toy brands in the industry, and realised something in common - vibrant, striking warm hues were popular among all of them. We decided to use something similar, but not too red as it would clash with common warning and error colours used in our app.

We eventually decided on a vibrant orange, to appeal to children of young ages.
TaleWeaver - Generate illustrated storybooks


TaleWeaver - Generate illustrated storybooks



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