Valeria Soboleva's profile

The House That Jack Built book design

This is my first book illustration project. I’'ve chosen to work on a book for little children (0+). This is a cardboard book shaped as the house - the centre of the poem being illustrated.
My first step was to sketch all pages and to find balance between the characters of the poem, to make pictures actually tell the story.
Then I designed all characters using one simple geometric shape to make sure that people and animals are designed in the same style.
Then I added colour and details to each book character.
Then I sketched the final pages to see how characters interact with each other.
The next step was to paint the scenery - the house. After doing it twice in Procreate I decided I wasn't satisfied with the digital painting so I painted it on paper with watercolour and took a photo of it to preserve the texture of paper.
Finally, when I was happy with the result I added all characters, shadows and the text. So there it is the final version approved by my curator.
The House That Jack Built book design


The House That Jack Built book design

This is a book illustration project I had to make for the book illustration course at Skillbox. I’m currently finishing studying this course and Read More
