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Max4Live see-d GrainSynth


Featured on Cycling '74 website

Max4Live see-d GrainSynth
GrainSynth is a Max4Live device for prototypal granulation that uses fundamental wave shapes as source [sine, triangle, sawtooth and square], and then processes them to create huge clouds of sound, that the user can shape finely thanks to an intuitive but powerful interface.
Parameters ranges from the timbre, combining the four fundamental wave shapes, to frequency variation, amplitude envelope, density and length of the single grains, to spatial positioning and spreading.
This is just the first of a series of see-d granulation-based Max4Live plugins, and the best has yet to come.
Free download is available at the project page; opinions, reviews and demos are very welcome!
Project page and Download: see-d Audio Tools
Max4Live see-d GrainSynth

Max4Live see-d GrainSynth

Granular synthetizer for Ableton Live/Max4Live
