These are the logos I've converted from SVGs into 3D meshes, my personal RH2D logo. But also I came up with the designs of these other two I've had in mind for a while. And the choice of textures goes along what each represent. Mechanical, metallic surfaces for Robodyne, a fictiional tech company I came up with. And lily ponds with pink sakuras for the overall flower shape of the logo of a fictiional agricultural company, Silver Lotus.

As for my RH2D logo, the orangey tile look matches the color I want and its in this neat geometric pattern that I love in mechanical, but minimalist aesthetics. Here is the top view.
Left view
Right view
I drew the Silver Lotus and Robodyne logos in Illustrator before I import them over to Blender as SVG files.
I had to look for the right tutorial video to help me convert an SVG into a 3D mesh and I found it in youtube by PIXXO 3D. I was having trouble at first until I managed to make a mesh out of the 2D file.
A cluttered mess of initially trying out the grease pencil (with little to no success) and mesh blocks I've made for some reason. 
And I was trying out BlenderKit perusing different textures/materials for me to put on the logos. My faves are my personal logo and the Robodyne logo with those textures.
And moving around the view lets me appreciate certain things like the lighting hitting on the ceramic, shiny tiles of my personal logo. Versus the light bouncing off what is simulated to look like water in a pond in the Silver Lotus logo. 
Thank you for viewing my project! <|0_^|>
3D Logos Blender


3D Logos Blender

I was messing around with Blender when I saw the option to import SVGs, as in vector files from Illustrator. I definitely want to import logo des Read More
