Task- Global Pride Day is on the 27th of June and is celebrated to support the LGBTQ+ community.  On this day, more than 50 years ago, the first Gay Pride Parade was held. This was the start of pride!  Pride promotes equality and individuality and increases the visibility of the LGBTQ+ community, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. Nowadays, there are many different coloured flags to represent different genders such as the gender-fluid flag, which has five horizontal stripes: pink for femininity, blue for masculinity, purple for both masculinity and femininity, black for the lack of gender, and white for all genders. Today everyone knows that a Gay Pride Parade is where people are not afraid to show their true colours and stand with pride as they march down streets. They are comfortable in their own skin and celebrate self-acceptance, legal rights, and of course, pride. 

Client - Google is a web based company that is most known for its internet search engine. Google Search is one of the most-viewed web pages on the planet as it powers billions of internet searches on a daily basis. Right above the search box, Google’s logo appears, and on occasion, it’ll add something extra - A Google Doodle. This is a special, temporary alteration of the logo intended to commemorate holidays, events, achievements, and notable historical figures.

Challenge- Your challenge is to design a Google Doodle for a world issue, national day, historic event, brand or public figure of your choice. The purpose of the outcome is to raise awareness and educate through a fun, surprising illustration. Think about how you can use illustration and typography to communicate a topic in a creative way.

Objective- To raise awareness of a world issue, national day, historic event, brand or public figure.

Target Market - Google is used by everyone - People all around the world who have access to the internet!

Must be legible as "Google"
Must clearly represent the chosen topic
Dimensions: 280 x 216 mm
Colour Mode: RGB
Resolution: 300 ppi

Mood board of chosen theme
Initial concept sketch
Final illustrated design
Mock-up on Google homepage

This is my initial sketch ideas
This is what my design looks like on google's search page mock-up 

