Aadya Jain's profile

Caged graces- fashion show


"Caged Graces" explores the inner turmoil and desires of individuals born into royalty, depicting their struggles against societal expectations, confinement, and the longing for freedom. It delves into themes of innocence, envy, rebellion, and liberation, encapsulating the tension between duty and personal identity within the context of noble lineage. Through various characters and their experiences, the concept highlights the universal human desire for authenticity and self-determination, even in the most gilded of cages.

About the theme

This collection is from the Spectrum Fashion Show 2023,
The wider theme we chose for the show was 'Royalty' and we created our collection around it with 'Caged Graces'.
About our team

Our team consisted of Fashion Communication, Fashion Technology and Accessory Design students. In spite of not being in Fashion design we wanted to experience creating for the fashion show.
My role in the project was to create conceptualize the theme, create illustrations, styling, make up, creating props and directing the walk. 
"In whispers born, a princess pure,
newly seen within her gilded walls,
Groomed in polished guise, smiles rehearsed,
A caged spirit with her inner turmoil,
Dreams to shatter her pearl chains suffocating,
To break free of the stifling nobility,
Neglected amidst the grandeur,
Envious and in the shadows unseen,
Vengeful hearts and drums of war,
Bloodshed sought and conflict fanned,
Yearning for solace,
To hide her cages away,
Tired of wearing masks and disguise,
Longing to shed the weight of expectation,
Finally a bold soul, breaking free of the royal decree,
In liberation, she finds, spirits unfettered and free."

Aadya Jain
Anushka Gupta
Rini Rai
Palak C

Aadya Jain

Aadya Jain

Anushka Gupta
Palak C

Aadya Jain

Caged graces- fashion show


Caged graces- fashion show


Creative Fields