Jaspreet Kaur's profile

Noura| Lifestyle App | UX/UI Case Study

I worked on this Case Study with the intention of creating an application to help Indian women understand PCOD/PCOS better, taking into account India as a demographic and the phase they are at in their Menstrual Journey. During the process over these 6 months, I realised that Indian women don't have a platform to gain insight into the comprehensive well-being they should have in today's haphazard lifestyle. While this project lays the foundation of the layout for One Stop Solution, there's much more room for improvement. As a designer, I tried to empathize with users and balance design and business perspectives. I hope to receive honest feedback on what you think.
Problem Statement
'How might we improve awareness for PCOD/PCOS and support women in India for managing the challenges associated with it and help them maintain a healthier lifestyle'.
👉 However, Noura currently doesn’t have online help or direct support from doctors. As we believe we can’t Replace a Doctor, we wanted more Women to get themselves checked first. While Noura serves as a valuable resource for handling and gaining insights into PCOD/PCOS, and is a supportive tool to manage symptoms and everyday struggles.
Research Summary
"Initially, through our secondary research, we recognised this issue is primarily related to hormonal disorders, limited treatment options, and lifestyle adjustments. However, going deeper into conversations with our primary users, we came across a critical aspect which is It's not just about the medical aspect; it's the lack of awareness regarding hormones and their symptoms that hinders understanding. Moreover, users had faced significant side effects from prescribed medicines by their Doctors and as an alternative solution, they were told to have a good Lifestyle. This is where The Gynaecologist with whom we consulted also let us understand How lifestyle changes and habit development play a pivotal role. The challenge now lies in providing the motivation and support needed to sustain these changes while balancing health with daily responsibilities.”
- Initial secondary research identified hormonal disorders, limited treatment options, and lifestyle adjustments as key issues related to PCOD/PCOS.
- Primary user conversations revealed a lack of awareness regarding hormones and their symptoms.
- Users reported significant side effects from prescribed medicines.
- Doctors often recommended lifestyle changes as an alternative solution.
- Consultation with a gynaecologist highlighted the importance of lifestyle changes and habit development.
- The current challenge is to provide the necessary motivation and support to sustain these lifestyle changes while managing daily responsibilities.
We ran Surveys and did 7 Interviews with our Primary Users and 1 with the Secondary User who is a gynaecologist/ Consultant for PCOD/PCOS Women in a Two-tier city. After understanding the User's needs and expectations, Based on our Research Takeaways. We designed an application and kept on Refining our Wireframes from the feedback we were getting throughout, resulting in an 80% Satisfaction rate. We created our Low Fidelity Wireframes and Prototype.
User Persona
We conducted Primary user research and on the basis of received feedback, we incorporated it into user personas and empathy Maps.
Empathy Map
Secondary User Persona
Our Secondary Users are Gynaecologists/Nutritionist/ PCOD/PCOS Consultants.
Information Architecture
The Sketched Wireframes gave more Clarity about the Layout of the Screen than Low-Fidelity Wireframes, It’s more satisfying to keep the ideas flowing and that’s how we decided on the elements to keep and moving on to High- Fidelity alot of Tweaks happened.
Noura is a holistic platform that makes the User feel belong and not feel overwhelmed by how to navigate periods with their, symptoms and moods. Guidance to understand their hormonal journey and develop healthy habits for healthy living and track everything effortlessly to live in sync.
 🚀 This app is not just a period tracker but a one-stop solution for Women to have a Healthier Life. From a Business Perspective around 75% of Users are seeking help to deal with PCOD/PCOS.
Usability Study
In the Usability Testing, we received a lot of feedback through observations and the answers to the follow-up questions. Based on that, we made iterations. One major thing that came up was adding period prediction as an animation to make it more intuitive and engaging, which we have yet to do. But based on the average rating of 4⭐ and the need to find a stop solution at a beginner level, 80% of the users agreed.
Design Iterations 🔁
👇 Iteration 1.
👇 Iteration 2.
👇 Iteration 3.
👇 Iteration 4.
👇 Iteration 5.
What I Learned 🌱
"Throughout this process, I've gained a valuable lesson in UX design and how UI plays a major role when the Research itself gets into the application, what to add/remove. Research can truly unveil unexpected opportunities. I've also come to appreciate how even the tiniest design elements can greatly impact the final screen's aesthetics. And simplicity emerges when we actually figure out what's Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary in the Flow".
Final Design
👇Click to play with the prototype
Noura| Lifestyle App | UX/UI Case Study


Noura| Lifestyle App | UX/UI Case Study
