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6 Types of Manual Quality Assurance Testing

6 Types of Manual Quality Assurance Testing
6 Types of Manual Quality Assurance Testing
When developing a new website, Quality Assurance (QA) testing is an essential stage in assuring the project's success. QA testing tests software and determines whether particular criteria and expectations are satisfied. These tests are an essential aspect of the software development process. Manual testing and automated testing are the two methods of QA testing.
As mentioned in our recent article titled "Five Types of Automated QA Testing Your Site Needs," automated testing is carried out using code and scripts. Manual testing, on the other hand, is done by people who can execute a variety of manual tests depending on the intended outcome.
There are six types of manual QA testing:
6.User Acceptance 

Many of these methods will be utilised on the same project because each test is unique and meant to examine various aspects and features of a website. As you begin the process of developing a website, it's critical to understand how these tests vary and what they may provide during the development process.
We've listed the six most common methods of manual QA testing below.

1,Smoke Testing: This is a simple, manual examination of whether the code was well-written. Every new software build requires smoke tests to determine whether the code should be kept or returned for improvements. Although this is a check that developers may already have in place, QA testers may still go in and test functionality. A smoke test is often the initial test that QA engineers do on new software before moving on to more in-depth testing.

Functional testing involves going over each listed criterion to ensure that the site performs as it should. All website components, such as a submission form or a page layout, will be personally checked to guarantee their functioning and compliance with site standards.

2.Integration Testing: This sort of manual testing ensures that components on a site integrate and function together. A QA engineer may do an integration test to ensure that the fonts are accurate or that the correct pictures are loaded. Manual integration tests are typically used to examine a site's aesthetic aspects. When this is done manually, the components are usually tested on a few pages rather than the complete site.

Regression testing should be automated if at all possible. This sort of test is performed before and after a code push to confirm that everything is still functioning properly. Manually, the test engineer will construct a list of high-priority features on the site and go over it after any code upgrades. It is important to note that regression testing will not verify everything. At, we strive to keep the top 10% of the site operational as a baseline.

3.Exploratory Testing: As the name implies, this sort of manual testing is exploratory in nature. A QA engineer will enter an exploratory testing session with no clear objective or aim in mind, browsing a site for visual problems or coding mistakes. They may click around, resize the browser, open various browsers, test the interactions of a site, and so on, all in the name of finding bugs.

4.User Acceptance Testing: The final phase before a program goes online is user acceptance testing, which is normally undertaken by the customer. gives our clients a URL as well as full step-by-step instructions on how to use and test the site. The customer will do manual testing to detect any flaws or anomalies. When they are satisfied that the site is sound, the client will sign off, completing the last test before the site is deployed.

A thorough quality assurance test strategy should contain both automated and manual testing methodologies. The advantages of manual testing include the capacity to simulate a user's experience, the possibility of discovering flaws that exist outside of the code, and other advantages of having a human behind the screen. Do you want to know how to approach QA testing? We have a staff of QA engineers ready to answer questions and assist with manual and automated testing on your site.

6 Types of Manual Quality Assurance Testing


6 Types of Manual Quality Assurance Testing
