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Master classes by Yuliia Sytnyk

1. March - Master class: graphic drawings of traditional Ukrainian pysanka from different regions of Ukraine. Paints, liners, ink, scissors, threads will be used for work. Finished drawings are suggested to be cut along the contour and hung on a thread on a tree branch.
Production time is 2 hours
2. April - 2 master classes: Children will learn about the famous Ukrainian artist of naive art Polina Rayko. The woman lived in the village of Oleshki, Kherson region, and had a difficult fate. During her lifetime, the artist painted her house with strange animals, angels and images created by her imagination. These assets are the intangible cultural heritage of Ukraine. Unfortunately, during the Russian military invasion, the occupiers blew up a nuclear hydroelectric plant, due to which more than 80 settlements were destroyed as a result of the disaster. Polina Raiko's house was also flooded and destroyed. At the moment, it is impossible to see the consequences, because the house is still located in the occupied territory.
Children are invited to familiarize themselves with the artist's work, watch a video and color ready-made coloring pages of the artist's works. A large number of coloring pages can be used to decorate a wall of children's works, which will look large-scale, like a photo zone, and as if reproducing one of the walls of Polina Raiko's house.
Production time is 2 hours
3. May - a master class: a traditional Ukrainian wish-making doll that fulfills a hundred wishes. Various threads, fabric, straw, beads are needed for production.
Production time is 3 hours
4. May - master class: traditional Ukrainian couple. Dolls were given as a talisman for a happy family life. Various threads, fabric, straw, beads are needed for production. Production time is 3 hours
5. May - master class: a traditional Ukrainian toy - amulet. The bird is a symbol of freedom, will and strength of spirit inherent in the Ukrainian people. Various threads, fabric, straw, beads are needed for production. Production time is 3 hours
6. June - the beginning of a series of master classes on traditional Ukrainian painting: Petrykivka painting. Children get to know the technique, try to draw elements of a painting, create their own sketch, draw a postcard. Production time is 3 hours
7. June - a series of master classes on traditional Ukrainian painting: Kosiv painting. Children get to know the technique, try to draw elements of a painting, create their own sketch, draw a postcard. Production time is 3 hours
8. June - a series of master classes on traditional Ukrainian painting: Samchykiv painting. Children get to know the technique, try to draw elements of a painting, create their own sketch, draw a postcard. Production time is 3 hours
9. July - a master class of the vytininka. Children get to know the paper cutting technique, create their own sketch, and cut out the work. The master class can be designed for young and middle ages, the complexity of the work will depend on it. 
Production time is 2-4 hours
10. August. Children get acquainted with the collage technique, create the image of a sunflower, as a national symbol of Ukraine, from magazine clippings. The master class can be designed for any age. Production time is 2 hours
11. September. Children get to know the technique of tapestry, as a traditional decorative and applied art of Ukraine. The master class can be designed for any age. Production time is 4-5 hours, if necessary, the class can be divided into two parts.
12. October. For two years now, the world has experienced a real boom in the work of Ukrainian artist Maria Prymachenko: in May 2022, the artist's works became part of the main program of the Venice Biennale, and her work was written about by the world's leading media, from The Guardian to The Times. In Ukraine, proceeds from the sale of Maria Prymachenko's work by the Prytula Foundation brought half a million dollars for the Armed Forces. And in 2023, exhibitions of Prymachenko's works were held all over the world. But, unfortunately, tragic circumstances contributed to this wave of interest: a full-scale war in Ukraine and, in particular, the destruction by the Russian occupiers of the museum in Ivankovo, where part of the Mystkin heritage was kept (fortunately, the works were saved).
Children get to know the works of Maria Prymachenko. They reproduce familiar images in their works, get acquainted with stylization, make replicas of famous works of the craftswoman. The master class can be designed for any age. Production time is 3 hours
13. November. 3 master classes on illustrating children's fairy tales. We take the project "Tales of the Kherson region" as a basis. A large part of this region is still occupied by Russian troops, and the city of Kherson is subjected to numerous rocket attacks every day. Talking to children about the war through fairy tales is what we must do so that children understand the events taking place, do not forget their hometowns and homes, do not lose positive memories of Ukraine, and know the ways of recovery after the war. After all, in fairy tales, good always wins over evil.
We read fairy tales with the children, in Ukrainian and English, discuss, reveal the images of the main characters, create sketches for the main scenes of the fairy tales. The master class can be divided into several parts: 1. Watching a cartoon from sand animation, we try to repeat images from sand. 2. Illustrations, graphics and active reading. 3. Coloring ready-made illustrations for young children. The master class is designed for any age. Production time is 3 hours
Master classes by Yuliia Sytnyk

Master classes by Yuliia Sytnyk
