Paradox1_The Worlds

PARADOX1's ultimate mission is to serve impact-driven DAOs, environmentally conscious missions and committed individuals through the creation of a sustainable, interoperable, and collaborative immersive internet platform.
For its initial release, PARADOX1 introduced a collection of three distinct worlds. These environments were meticulously crafted by blending various elements from nature, resulting in the creation of entirely new realms rich with possibilities. 
Each landscape was designed to appeal to different users, enticing them to explore and engage with the world that best resonated with their aesthetics and objectives.

Crafted by Sthorm Studio 

Art Director & Brand Lead - Mariana Bueno.
Creative Director - Boris Aiub
UX/UI + Product Lead - Marie Villaveiran.
Creative Assistance - Julieta imperioso.
Web Development: Lorena Carballo

Paradox1_The Worlds