Kyle King's profile

Instagram for Mac OS X Concept.

Simplicty is streched across every pixel, and every page. The icons are different from the Instagram iOS App, but are still native enough to the common user, due to their simplicity, but common design structure.
Instagram, which was launched a little over three years ago, has failed to devleop and publish a Mac OS X desktop application. In this concept, I provide a breif overview and astehtic feel as to what I would appreicate Instagram to do if they were to put their talented team together to work on a Max OS X application.
The asthtetic design of the Profile page is beautiful, with clean text and perfectly squared off lines and edges. The user gets a large canvas area for a cover photo, and beneath, is a smaller area where some important and basic stats are stored, but the most important part, is the photos of course. In one viewing, a user can see up to 18 photos. By one viewing, I mean no scrolling. The thumbnails are high quality, and the perfect size to just get a quick glimpse of the photo without having to click on the photo and load it up. From a design and experience standpoint, the Profile page stands out to me the most.
Overuse of color is not only an unintelligent move, but can be very annoying to the user. And when your specifically trying to focus on simplicity and really trying to draw attention to the main content, in this case the photos, using only a couple of colors is the road you most definitely should travel down. Throughout all of the pages, I only came across using a light shade of gray, and a dark charcoal, and of course... the Instagram blue. This creates a seamless flow when transitioning between tabs and pages, which in return, creates a comfortable experience for the user
A special thank you goes out to Michael Salvaggio for his constructive criticism and informative thoughts throughout the design stages of Instagram for Mac, and another special thank you goes to all of your for viewing this and for your continual support.
Instagram for Mac OS X Concept.

Instagram for Mac OS X Concept.

Instagram, which launched a little over three years ago, has failed to devleop and publish a Mac OS X desktop application. In this concept, I pro Read More
