The Roto Paint node has very capable clone and review tools. Now,
cloning is to copy pixels from within the same frame, where a reveal is
to copy pixels between two different frames. Now, these could be two
different frames from the same clip, or between two different clips. We'll
start by adding our Roto Paint node. I'll select my Read node, come up to
the Drawing tab. Now, here's Roto Paint but it has that P here, which means
there's a hotkey or keyboard shortcut. I'm going to use that. Cursor down
 here in the Node graph, and I'll just type P. We'll start by selecting the Clone
brush, which is to copy pixels from within the same frame. We'll click on Clone.
 And you can set a number of parameters up here before you even start.
For example, if you're painting a static background plate, and you want your
 brush strokes to be alive for the entire length of the clip, you would come up
here and select, All Frames. If you're painting on individual frames of a clip,
then you would leave it…
                                 USING THE CLONE TOOL
                       STEPS INVOLVED IN NODE GRAPH
         Start painting. The pointer overlay depicts the source of the offset as a crosshair within a
         circle and the destination as a circle (the diameter of which represents the breadth of the stroke

                   FINAL OUTPUT IMAGE FORMAT
                           FINAL OUTPUT VIDEO FORMAT


