l eppkoop's profile

Photoshop build a burger

Create "Promotions" project in your BeHance portfolio.  All your work completed in this course must be posted here.  Be sure to Identify new activities with a new title, for example "burger," or "cell phone ad," etc
Task 1 - Make a burger
Photoshop Skills
- understanding layers
- using paintbrush
- creating shapes
- using the gradient tool
- fill and stroke colours
- using blending options
1) Open a photoshop document 600 px x 600 px
2) Create a burger piece by piece.  Each item should be on a different layer.  You must name each layer appropriately.
For the most part, you can design each item of your burger the way you want.  Please also make sure to do the following:
- Add a drop shadow to the bottom bun.
- Add a radial gradient to the top bun to make it look rounded.
- Add a texture overlay to the meat.
Save as yourname_burger.jpg
Your final product should look something like this.
Photoshop build a burger

Photoshop build a burger

In the first unit of the promotions class, you will become familiar with some basic Photoshop tools.


Creative Fields