Paul Kwon's profile

ADVE3630 Web Project 2

ADVE3630 Web Project 2
Prompt: Friend finding website, Tinder for friends.

What communication problem needs to be solved? 
People have a hard time finding people with similar interests as themselves online or locally.
Ensure that when finding random strangers to become friends with, that safety is the number one priority.

What benefit would the new site provide for your client’s money? 
A unique way for people who are uncomfortable/find it hard to interact to find new friends.
A premium option for people who want to find friends more quickly and safely as well as no ads.

What is a practical call to action?
Find frend :3 (or something mentioning the core idea of the website)
Connect with others through a common interest.

Generally speaking, who is your audience? 
College students
People who want to find others with similar interests

Is there anything unique or unusual they need to know about the topic being presented on the new site?
It looks like y2k/retro 2000’s websites where customizability and coziness were a highlight in website design. (But also make it modern and clean!)

- Categories of communities you can join where you can find friends
- Filters/tags that you fall under that can help you match with others online or locally
- Official / community meetups where you can find people of the same niche
- Remove “social media” elements, focus on meeting the people you see rather than following people others follow (remove follower/following count, maybe remove like count)
- Filter to switch between worldwide and local
- “Tags” to indicate interests, like hashtags on other apps that link to hundreds of similar posts
- Allow ads to run on the platform, but ban the creation of accounts by corporate entities

Ideally, the outcome would be a fun, new place to interact with new people from all over the world, with the ability to focus on people closer to you, without any of the pressures of conventional social media as we’ve come to know them. You should be able to find people with similar interests, communicate through the website/application in groups or individually, and maybe even make physical friends through the website. All of this while trying to seem familiar/nostalgic, like a modern version of a mid to late 2000s messenger, like myspace, early facebook, and skype.

- Basic demographics (age, income, gender — if important, etc.)
- College students/older gen z - 18-30,
- Wants and needs: specific task(s) they need to do with your new site — buying something, for example, finding a certain chunk of information, etc.
- Ability to find those with similar attributes - age, interests, etc. (dating app -esque)
- Ability to organize safe ways to meet each other - large group gatherings, as opposed to one on one meetings
- Forums - places online where like-minded individuals can communicate over common interests
- Voice/video call element (like skype)?
- App integration? (link w/other apps like spotify and instagram to display pictures and music on profile?)

Expectations: what they think is going to happen: "I'm going to find the thing I want/need and it'll just take a minute."
To have at least a few more online friends within a week of creating their profile

Frustrations: general site problems that prevent them from fulfilling those tasks.
ADVE3630 Web Project 2

ADVE3630 Web Project 2


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