Barterrup is a platform that aims to transform workplaces into sharing communities by enabling employees to exchange goods and services without using money. It is a circular solution for organizations that want to promote sustainable consumption, reduce waste, and create meaningful relationships among their staff.

Barterrup offers several features that make it easy and fun to share anything within a company. Employees can swap, give, rent, borrow, or ask for items and services from each other, ranging from books and clothes to skills and acts of kindness. They can also trade across different categories, such as academia, fashion, childcare, art, electronics, food, health, home, travel, music, pet care, sports, tickets, tools, toys, games, and video games.

Barterrup also provides a way to measure the impact of sharing on the environment and the community. Employees can see how much carbon emissions they have saved by swapping, giving, renting, or borrowing instead of buying new things. They can also see how their actions have contributed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations, such as responsible consumption and production, climate action, and reduced inequalities. Barterrup also helps to build a culture of sharing within a company by fostering social interactions and trust among employees. Barterrup is a low-cost, low-effort, and easy-to-use solution for companies that want to increase their social and environmental responsibility. It is the first platform that focuses on creating a circular economy specifically for employees within a company. By joining Barterrup, companies can unite their culture, build their community, and make a difference for both their employees and the planet.



