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BAKYAPI | Stand Design

The stand of BAKYAPI has been meticulously designed to exude a sophisticated and modern aesthetic, predominantly using black tones and wooden details. Chrome logos and lighting details in the stand's elements are strategically employed to emphasize elegance and uniqueness, adding a refined touch to the overall atmosphere.
At the center of the stand is a project model aimed at visually presenting BAKYAPI's current and future projects to visitors. This model offers a detailed look, allowing visitors to better understand the company's projects.
The artificial balcony area on the left side has been carefully designed to create a special atmosphere that conveys the scenery of the projects. This area aims to directly immerse visitors in the overall ambiance of the projects by conveying their environmental and architectural context.
The welcome desk located on the right side serves the function of directing and welcoming visitors, while the bar tables and chairs inside provide visitors with the opportunity to relax and obtain information comfortably.
Additionally, there are panels in different areas of the stand showcasing visuals from within the projects or displaying completed project images. These panels aim to enrich visitors' experience by visually presenting details of the projects undertaken by BAKYAPI.

BAKYAPI | Stand Design