AI generated images and content have taken over not only marketing and social media but portfolio sites (this includes you Behance).

Despite the dubious methods through which AI has been trained and continues to be employed online, we keep seeing more and more so-called "artists" or "designers" or "musicians" or "writers" that share and proclaim that these synthetic amalgamations are worthy of our interest or consideration.

In an effort to quell and call out the hypocrisy of content churning, algorithm enslaved and most likely creatively bankrupt companies and creators, I decided to do a small set of animated stickers that you can copy paste under any social media reply.

Please share wherever you see fit using the Giphy links, or the GIFs I've attached to the project as "Assets"

You can download the GIFs on the attached assets on this project.

And please check out more of my work here:

Thank you!

AI Art? No Thanks


AI Art? No Thanks
